Connor Radley is the 11-year-old son of our Controller, Erin Radley. In November of 2017 he was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer. He is undergoing treatment at Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital and is part of the Beads of Courage: Carry a Bead program.
Beads of Courage is a program sponsored by Maureen’s Hope Foundation, a local non-profit organization. Their mission is to offer practical support and assistance to people facing the challenges of a cancer diagnosis or other life altering disease.
The Beads of Courage Program is designed to support and strengthen children and families coping with serious illness. Through this program, children tell their story using colorful beads as meaningful symbols of courage that commemorate milestones they have achieved along their unique treatment path. It launched at Golisano Children’s Hospital in 2010 for pediatric oncology patients.
In March, Connor had the opportunity to represent Maureen’s Hope Foundation and their Beads of Courage: Carry a Bead program for the Syracuse Crunch hockey team. He was able to show the team his beads, each one a visual representation of the cancer treatments he has been through.
To learn more about Beads of Courage and how you can participate in the Carry a Bead Program visit, Maureen’s Hope Foundation.
Camo for Connor, a benefit for Connor Radley, will be held on June 9th from 1-5pm at Pope’s Grove Golf Course. To learn more about how you can help Connor, visit Camo for Connor.