Dave Nutting Receives Award from the Upstate Minority Economic Alliance

On May 24th, the Upstate Minority Economic Alliance (UMEA) held their 1st Annual MWBE Community Engagement Awards at the Marriott Syracuse Downtown.

UMEA congratulated several public and private organizations that help fuel the region’s economy through their commitment to the growth and success of Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises (MWBE). Community Engagement Awards finalists were selected from a pool of thoughtful, active and dedicated community members for this honor.

VIP’s Chairman and CEO, David Nutting, was honored with the award for Executive of the Year.

Founded in 2015, UMEA remains the only Minority Chamber of Commerce in the 16-county Upstate New York region. Their mission is to harness the economic power of the minority community for the benefit of the Upstate and Central New York region.

The Upstate Minority Economic Alliance is dedicated to the success of their member companies and the region in which they live. Capacity building and economic development are at the core of UMEA’s mission. Members gain valuable access through their Business and Economic Development team to make them, and the region, more competitive.

The mission of UMEA is core to the culture that Dave Nutting has set forth at VIP. As an organization, we’ve committed ourselves to investing in the success of MWBE businesses located in Syracuse, NY. Congratulations Dave!





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