Women CEOs Are Breaking Foundational Barriers

At VIP Structures in Syracuse, NY, we are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive work environment. We believe in celebrating diversity, as it is essential for making progress in design, construction, engineering, and development. We are proud to celebrate the women CEOs who have broken foundational barriers in their respective fields. Read on and contact us today to learn more!


VIP Structures’ CEO, Meg Tidd.

New Perspective

By diversifying engineering teams with the perspective of a woman CEO, new design possibilities are unlocked that had previously been overlooked. Women CEOs bring different design sensibilities that often create a more practical design, as they are able to think beyond the current design parameters and develop more creative design solutions.

New Connections

With a female CEO on board, design teams have the unique opportunity to build new connections with other design professionals and construction companies that have more inclusive leadership. This allows design professionals to create stronger relationships and develop a deeper understanding of design from various perspectives, which in turn produces better design solutions.

New Innovation

The design industry is constantly evolving, and the perspective of a woman CEO brings an air of innovation that can lead design teams to design solutions that are more innovative and creative. Women CEOs often embrace technology and design tools that had not previously been considered, leading design teams to design more efficiently and effectively.

Establishing a Foundation of Inclusion

At VIP Structures, we believe that design should be inclusive of all perspectives and experiences. By embracing the perspective of a woman CEO, design teams can create a design process that is more diverse and inclusive, leading to design solutions that are more creative, innovative, and functional.

At VIP Structures, we believe in celebrating the accomplishments of women CEOs and their contributions to design-build companies and architecture firms. Connect with us today to learn more about our renovation and construction services!





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