The Gameplan – The Importance of Pre-Con

Currently, material costs have risen far beyond what many would have expected, with lumber (62% year-to-date*) and steel (67% year-on-year*) prices hitting all-time highs, coupled with supply chain bottlenecks, projects are being delayed and in some instances canceled. Developing a project gameplan is critical to minimize material impacts that threaten a projects start and viability.

At VIP, our gameplan is a collaborative effort that is led by our PRE-CON (pre-construction) team. The goal is to ensure that a client’s project is functionally and financially viable. At this critical juncture of a  project, the PRE-CON team comprised of designers and construction professionals, in conjunction with the client, work together to define the project requirements and expectations.

At its core, the gameplan provides the overall planning, coordination, and strategy of a construction project before construction begins. The PRE-CON team vets all potential options and completes extensive value analysis of building systems, materials, and methods to define a projects duration, cost, constructability, and scheduling.

There are a number of inherent benefits of a well-coordinated gameplan by your PRE-CON team.

  1. Vetting of unknown variables

  2. Clear picture of what the project will look like and how it will get done

  3. Provides the opportunity to present potential options for cost savings

  4. Defines the gameplan to ensure a successful outcome

New construction, no matter the size, is a risky venture. Ensuring your PRE-CON team has developed a viable and realistic gameplan is essential to the success of your project.

*U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics as of April 30, 2021

As a fully integrated design-build firm, we specialize in architecture, engineering, construction, and development to help organizations with building needs all across Upstate New York. Visit us on the web at or contact us on the sidebar by filling out our short form fill. Subscribe to our blog to get the latest news about what is happening in the A/E/C/D world.


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