Building a Better Community Together

It’s not often that we see a new ground-up development in a downtown urban environment with the sole purpose of bringing people together from all walks of life. Syracuse Urban Partnership is changing all of that and we are excited to help them bring their vision and mission to life with the Salt City Market.

As their Design-CM team, we are taking a three-pronged approach to engage the local workforce to ensure this project is inclusive and a true neighborhood build, from beginning to end. This approach is focused on M/WBE subcontractors, encouraging them to hire a local workforce and to utilize training and apprenticeship programs through CenterState CEO’s “Work Train” and “Hope 4 Us Housing Corp.”

The Salt City Market is expected to open in the Fall of 2020 and will be hosting a number of events leading up to their grand opening. Visit Salt City Market often to be part of this exciting community-based project!





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