J.W. Didado Electric
Office and Truck Maintenance Facility, Clay, NY
Self Perform PEMB Erection
24,000 SF
Completed 2023
MEP Engineering: IPD Engineering
Architecture: VIP Architectural Associates
Construction: VIP Structures
Briarwood Construction (Construction Manager/Advising on project)
Keplinger Freeman Associates
VIP was hired by Ohio-based electrical contractor J.W. Didado to design and build a headquarters for their New York operations. VIP’s work began at the onset of Didado’s vision – supporting them through a site selection process alongside their real estate broker. Once the final site was selected in the Town of Clay, VIP took the lead in performing all required site due-diligence and entitlements.
Once Didado’s 12-acre site was solidified, VIP’s design-build team began designing a 24,000 SF, pre-engineered metal building (PEMB) to house their operations. The clear-span PEMB offered a column-free space for Didado’s truck maintenance, shop area, offices, and storage mezzanine. The site also includes electric car charging stations, an exterior car washing bay, and a fenced-in exterior yard area for their equipment. The facility will employ 18 people full-time, be a base and dispatch center for J.W. Didado’s storm team and is ready for expansion with a second-floor shell in place and easily adaptable for future use.
J.W. Didado is a nationally renowned, full-service electrical contractor Headquartered in Akron, Ohio.
Read More:
CNY Business Journal: VIP Structures Honored For Work On J.W. Didado Electric Building
NewsChannel 9: J.W. Didado Electric Headquarters is now open in Clay